Welcome to Thursdays with Cyn where I share my personal insights to hopefully motivate and inspire you to take just one small step towards your OWN e-commerce entrepreneurial journey.
The title of today’s topic is: Cliff Diving Blindfolded
So let’s jump right into it!
Recently I saw some beautiful pictures from a friend’s vacation to Hawaii.
It reminded me of a trip I took there many years ago. I think it is the most beautiful place I’ve ever visited. Breathtaking views, truly delectable foods, lots of music and dancing with lots of fire.
Hiking is a very popular activity there with tons and tons of places to go and a great way to see the natural beauty of the area.
Wanting to get the full experience, I signed up for a tour which included cliff diving.
I had seen this activity on TV many times and thought that would be pretty cool to watch in person.
So off we go…
It was pretty rugged terrain all the way up the mountain. All the plants and trees and flowers were just amazingly lush and just beautiful. Most being native to that area. Nothing you would see back home. Truly a tropical paradise.
One of the best things I remember is they have NO snakes! That was a great benefit! No worries of being bitten while trekking through the jungle.
After a couple hours of hiking to the top of this mountain, we began hearing all this laughter and yelling… and just around the next corner there was “the spot”. There was this natural rock formation probably about 3-4 stories high and below it was what I would call a small natural pond.
Everyone was so excited to see the brave souls take a running leap and off the ledge, some screaming and some laughing, but all with big smiles once they came up for air.
It was a wonderful spectator sport and I quickly picked out three distinct groups:
Somehow I found myself in the 2nd category. My original intention was to just enjoy watching everyone else as it was truly fascinating.
But then I found myself having these dare-devil thoughts from my childhood.
If they can do it, so can I.
Nobody has died doing it (that I knew of!)
How exhilarating that would be
You only live once
I’ll never have this opportunity again
Seize the moment!
And just like that… I talked myself into it!
So I climb up to the ledge waiting my turn
Then true panic sets in
Just because these other people are doing it doesn’t mean
I have to
What if I’m the first one to die - right here in front of everybody this far from home
My whole body is shaking
Just because I’m here doesn’t mean I have to jump - I can turn around and go back
I could just watch everyone else and enjoy it just as much
Then I start debating with myself
Why are you going to miss this opportunity
You’re right here - jump!
You can do it - don’t be a scaredy cat
This moment is something you will remember for a lifetime
Everyone else was scared too at first and they did it anyway and they are back up here doing it again
So being the stubborn, determined person I am and one never willing to give up and be defeated… I took my rightful place in line. I’m over the flip-flopping!
I’m gonna do it!
My turn came and I walked up to the end of the ledge and looked down. Big Mistake!
Holy moly!
I remember the rush of feelings just like it was yesterday.
That’s a loooooong way down!
At this point I’m terrified.
My heart is beating out of my chest.
I don’t know if I can do it.
I couldn’t breathe.
My feet were frozen and I couldn’t even move
After a few moments that seemed like eternity, several people around me started giving me a pep talk. You can do it! Don’t even think about it! Close your eyes and Just jump!
A few others behind me said “ Oh I felt the same way. I just closed my eyes and did it and it was thrilling! Now I’m back up here doing it again!”
Well that was encouraging…
I couldn’t hold up the line any longer.
I had to make a decision.
Deep breath…
More deep breaths!
It took 4 tries before I could actually make the leap, but I did it!
All the way down, while screaming to the top of my lungs, I had all these thoughts racing through my mind…
What have I done?
I did it!
I’m going to die!
I’m so proud of myself
Oh I hope I don’t drown
I finally plummeted into the water and it seemed like it took me 10 minutes to get back up to the surface although I’m sure it was mere seconds.
After sucking in as much air as I could, because the jump down had taken out all the air in my lungs, I heard cheering and clapping with “‘YAY! You did it! You did it!”
I spent the next 5 minutes just relishing in the moment
What a RUSH!
I DID do it.
I swam to the edge, got out of the water, climbed back up as fast as I could and did it again!
It was so much more fun the second time around!
Mind you, there were no life jackets in this scenario.
But I did it anyway.
It was truly a blind leap of faith
I refused to let my fear ruin the moment and decided to give it everything I had from deep within me to take advantage of the opportunity.
I allowed my desire to achieve to be bigger than my fear
How would I have felt if I had chickened out and left that vacation without doing it….
I would have always had regret.
Before I jumped off that ledge, I had no idea what my future beyond that moment would hold
Would I die?
Would I drown?
Would I hit my head or break my neck either on the way down or on something underwater and be physically paralyzed for the rest of my life?
These were very real concerns.
But I could see other people having a great time and enjoying the moment.
I wanted to be one of those people.
Their excitement was infectious
Yes, some never were able to get up their nerve and backed out.
They started off as a category #2 but transitioned to category #3
Everyone has to make their own choices and live with the results.
How can we apply this scenario to the business world?
When I see other people being successful, then why should it be different for me?
Truly - if they can do it, so can I!
Think about this and take a look at yourself if you are considering becoming an entrepreneur.
Is it scary? HECK YEAH!
Does it take a huge learning curve, time and dedication to find your path? Absolutely.
Is it worth it in the end? A thousand times YES!
So don’t let fear stop you from taking that first step. It might be a doozy, but you will gain confidence, increase your self-worth, and become an example for others to follow.
You have to do something different to get different results.
If you never take that first step, you’ll never move forward.
Don’t let fear take away your joy of what “could be”.
We never know what could happen beyond that first step.
We are blindfolded because we can’t foresee the future.
But you’ll never know the possibilities that await you if you don’t at least try.
I’ll leave you with this quote from Martin Luther King: “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase”.
So I challenge you to take that first step. Relish in the moment of what happens next.
You just might surprise yourself how fun your next adventure will be.
So I want to hear from you...give me your thoughts on: something you’ve done where you took a blind leap of faith and let me know how it worked out for you!
Now - If YOU would like to learn more about what I do as an E-com Business Manager, you can find me on Facebook through my FREE GROUP @ e-comm business management community or check out my website CynMeadows.com where you’ll find some awesome free training where you can explore how to start your own business as an EBM and write your own paycheck. Go check it out!
Thanks so much and I’ll see you next time...
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